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2 Resultados de traducción para ancient en español

adjective | noun

ancient adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
antiguo; viejo

Ejemplos de uso de
ancient adjective

  • The people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their ancestors.
  • She studied both ancient and modern history.
  • a grove of ancient oak trees
  • The practice was more common in ancient times than it is now.
  • the gods of the ancient Romans

Sinónimos detallados para ancient adjective

Ver: Old

ancient noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
viejo, -ja, anciano, -na
¿Recuerdas esto?
rattle on
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Frases relacionadas para ancient

Traducción inversa para ancient

antiguo  - ancient, old, former, old-fashioned 
viejo  - old, elderly, former, longstanding, old, worn, worn-out 
viejo  - old man 
anciano  - elderly person